Many of us dream to develop our own game. We have a great idea, the necessary knowledge and know exactly how to start. However, depending on how ambitious is our project, we may need some funding, and the amount really depends of how much we want to invest.
To help you particularly in this part of any game project, we’ll show you many options on how to get the funds you need to fulfill your dream.
Ask your family and friends
Really, this is the first place where you should start. Who better than our friends and family to support our dreams? If you have very supportive family members you can borrow money from them. You’ll be able to define the conditions of the loans, at the small risk of severing your ties with them. If you think you couldn’t get money this way or you’re too afraid to ruin relationships, try other options.
Your personal saving
Have you been saving money for that dream car or those 2 week vacations in paradise? Maybe you should invest it instead. Depending on your success, you’ll be able to do much more, but you’ll have to delay whatever you were saving for. One side suggestion is to just spend part of your savings. In case something goes wrong, you won’t be at a complete loss.
Business loans
One of the most popular ways. While you’ll have payment plans and your project will have to be analyzed before any kind of investment is made, a business loan if approved will allow you to get most likely 100% of the money you need to complete your project. Just remember that if something goes wrong, you may have a hard time paying back, so consider this option well.
Financing and fund raising
This is one of the safest ways to get the money you need. You can hire financing and fund raising advisors to help you gather all the cash you need to go forward with your project. They’ll evaluate your project and business plan and come up with strategies to properly monetize your game and also strategize fund raising campaigns to keep your project going forward.
Credit cards
Just like in a business loan, credit cards can be an easy way to finance your game. Unfortunately, depending on the properties of your credit card, the interest rate may be a little too high.