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Top game development platforms of 2014

So we’re already in 2015, but 2014 brought to us many great games. And behind these games there were game engines, development tools. And everyone face the same doubts when starting to develop a game project, doesn’t matter if its a mobile runner or a console AAA: “what game engine should I choose”.

Well, that pretty much depends on your knowledge level, skill and ambitions with that particular game. You can find many articles on our website talking about the most trending game development platforms, but today we’ll bring you a top 5 list of the best engines of 2014.

Yoyo Games released a new platform to combine to their popular engine GameMaker: GameMaker: Player. Until now most of the games were available through Yoyo’s website, but now with this new “market”, a game made and hosted on GameMaker: Player will reach millions!

GameMaker: Player works just like an app store but with benefits. Games can be launched free and paid, and just like what happens on Steam, developers can release their games in alpha / beta stage. Even the smallest concept of a game feature can be shared through this new platform.