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Yoyo Games released a new platform to combine to their popular engine GameMaker: GameMaker: Player. Until now most of the games were available through Yoyo’s website, but now with this new “market”, a game made and hosted on GameMaker: Player will reach millions!

GameMaker: Player works just like an app store but with benefits. Games can be launched free and paid, and just like what happens on Steam, developers can release their games in alpha / beta stage. Even the smallest concept of a game feature can be shared through this new platform.

The CryEngine is one of the most powerful tools we can find to develop games. It’s not the easiest of the engines to develop games, especially if you’re a one man team, however the results can be seen on every AAA games that were released with this engine, such as the Crysis trilogy, State of Decay, Enemy Front, among others.

For those who make games for a living their only money source are the ads, know that not all the developing platforms offer natively the necessary tools to make ads very lucrative, unless their games are very popular.

The team behind Marmalade is aware of this issue and announced a few days ago that its now possible to use Amazon mobile ads on games developed on Marmalade. What makes the Amazon Mobile Ads API different from many others is that you get paid by impression. This way you’re sure earn something from everytime a player sees an ad.

There’s something that have been circulating through the Internet for quite a while now that deserves the attention of anyone who enjoy working / playing with the Unity engine: there’s a possibility that the team that built Unity, Unity Technologies, are looking forward to sell the company. The price? People say its around 1 or 2 billion dollars.

It seems like a lot of money, but if we measure the value of their great engine, the amount of games released under this engine every day and what the future seems to bring to the engine, it seems like a fair price to ask for.

It wasn’t always easy to find content made by other developers. Sometimes the ideas don’t come up, sometimes we just don’t the knowledge necessary to make something out of Unreal Engine. And one thing is certain: UE4 is very powerful, but it’s also very complex.

Epic Games has heard the cries for help from several developing companies that need access to more content easier and they have fulfilled their wishes. As of last month, we now have access to the Unreal Engine Marketplace.

Do you know what a “WiMi5” is? Chances are you don’t, but if you’re looking to gain some experience (and money, maybe) by making HTML5 games, there you certainly want to know about WiMi5.

So, basically WiMi5 is a platform that allows any user, experienced or not in programming, to develop their own games. Instead of studying HTML5 for months to make a game like Flappy Bird, you can skip all the time that would take and make your own Flappy Bird pretty easily.

Oculus Rift is the next technology devices that is conquering the hearts of both players and developers. At this day it’s the closest device that we have that allows us to enter inside a VR world through games and apps.

And there are great news related to both the Oculus Rift device and the programming platform Unity 3D. It is true that there were already some games for Oculus Rift there were developed on Unity 3D engine, but the Unity team has annouced that they were going to officially and natively support the Oculus Rift device!